Looking for a church?
We have a number of ways you can join us. Whether you're visiting, exploring faith for the first time, returning to church or looking for a place to call home, you're so welcome! We gather on Sundays both in-person and online, and across the week our communities meet to do life together. If you’ve just moved into the area and you’re searching for a church in Loughborough you're more than welcome to visit us.
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Our expressions
— 4:30PM
The Lounge LSU, LE11 3TT (termtime)/ Rosebery Community Centre, LE11 5EQ (holidays)
OH1 is our 18-30’s expression of Open Heaven. We are passionate about discipling and equipping students and 20-30’s to establish heaven on campus, in the workplace, on the streets or at home.
The Lounge LSU, LE11 3TT (termtime)/ Rosebery Community Centre, LE11 5EQ (holidays)
OH1 is our 18-30’s expression of Open Heaven. We are passionate about discipling and equipping students and 20-30’s to establish heaven on campus, in the workplace, on the streets or at home.
OH2 — 10:30AM
St. Peter’s Centre,
LE11 5EQ
OH2 is our generations together expression of Open Heaven. We aim for children and young people to grow and flourish and for adults to be equipped and strengthened to establish heaven on earth.
St. Peter’s Centre,
LE11 5EQ
OH2 is our generations together expression of Open Heaven. We aim for children and young people to grow and flourish and for adults to be equipped and strengthened to establish heaven on earth.
The gospel of Jesus and the wisdom of scripture is as relevant today as it ever has been, and this has an impact on how we do church. Our commitment to cultural relevance informs our Sunday gatherings.
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Learn more about getting connected.
For us, belonging to Open Heaven is more about involvement than any formal membership process. So, if you are interested in joining Open Heaven Church, here are the basic steps to get you started.
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and Families
OH2 has groups for children aged 1-11 that run during our Sunday morning gatherings. It's relaxed, informal and at times noisy! After worship, the children go out to their groups, expecting to encounter the Holy Spirit and operate in spiritual gifts. We outwork our mission to establish Heaven on Earth by helping children to flourish and empowering and supporting parents and carers.
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We're on a mission to help young people realise and live out their identity in Christ by creating a fun culture of authenticity and encouraging their relationship with God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We meet on Tuesday nights and Sunday mornings, in person.
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Youth Nights — 7:00PM
Tuesdays in termtime
St. Peter’s Centre,
LE11 5EQ
Tuesdays in termtime
St. Peter’s Centre,
LE11 5EQ
Our Youth Nights are hosted on Tuesday evenings for 11-18 year olds at the St. Peter's Centre. They are a space for young people to talk about relevant topics, learn what the Bible has to say about them and encourage them to live it out in their everyday lives. The programme consists of topic nights, worship nights, activity and games nights and runs from 7:00-8:30pm.
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︎︎︎Get in touch
University is an incredible time to experience new things and meet new people.
Church on Campus
We are passionate about seeing you make the most of your years at uni; we want to equip, disciple and empower you into all God has in store for you! Open Heaven has a community of students who are committed to discipleship with Jesus, obedient to God and generous with the gospel. You are on campus with thousands of other students who don't know Jesus, and we know the light and hope we find in our faith is too good to keep to ourselves. We have student-specific Small Groups and gatherings at the Students’ Union which will encourage and equip you to share your faith with everyone around you.
We are seeing God do amazing things in Loughborough - there is an openness to spirituality and faith that we have never seen before. Come and join in sharing the good news of Jesus with a generation of students who need His love more than ever!
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We are seeing God do amazing things in Loughborough - there is an openness to spirituality and faith that we have never seen before. Come and join in sharing the good news of Jesus with a generation of students who need His love more than ever!
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Student Groups
We have regular Student Nights and socials throughout the year. Student Small Groups are the best way to connect and grow, and there are plenty to choose from. If you're a Fresher, we have specific small groups for you. Small Groups are the primary place where you can belong, grow in your faith to share your faith and make friends for life. We can't wait to meet you, whether you're joining us as a fresher or you're well on your way to graduating!
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︎︎︎Our events
︎︎︎Join a small group
︎︎︎Our events
“At the start of uni, I wasn’t seeking God, as I was trying to meet new people. I was brought to Open Heaven, and I found like-minded friends. I was able to invite people to church which was amazing, but I was challenged with lots of questions. It made me grow further in my faith which was fab.”
20’s and 30’s
Within OH1, our community of 20’s and 30’s continues to grow year on year, with graduates and young adults from the local community joining us for the ride. We're cultivating a community of ordinary radicals made up of single, married, part-time, full-time and parenting individuals who are committed to lifelong discipleship to Jesus.
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© Open Heaven Church 2023 — Open Heaven Church is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales no. 7244128 and a registered charity no. 1138763.