The Way to Wellbeing:
The Fruit of the Spirit
The priority and goal for the Christian is not wellbeing itself but seeking the being who makes us well. It is the Holy Spirit that produces the fruit of wellbeing in our lives, they are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Cultivating The Fruit Of The Spirit — Rich Wilson
Galatians 5:16-26
Galatians 5:16-26
It is no secret that we are broken beings in need of a doctor. But where sinful nature brings brokenness, the Spirit brings wellness. It is the Holy Spirit who reveals and shows us the way, outworking the Father’s will that we would be whole and complete in Christ. But the fruit of the Spirit doesn’t just appear. It needs cultivating and nurturing. To produce the fruit of wellness and not brokenness requires friendship and accountability, rhythms of grace and intentionality. This is not just about getting through a season, but building healthy foundations for life.
Joy — Sarah Ford
Nehemiah 8:8-12
Nehemiah 8:8-12
Sarah shares with us some very helpful habits that are enabling her to cultivate the spiritual fruit of joy. She unpacks for us Nehemiah 8, focusing on the passage “the joy of the Lord is your strength”.
Peace — Renae Huggan-Broughton
Philippians 4:7
Philippians 4:7
Do not be anxious about anything? Peace is hard to come by these days, but in this week’s talk from our series, 'The Way To Wellbeing', Renae unpacks some of the keys to cultivating and guarding a peace that lasts.
Patience — Rich Cave
Colossians 1:11
Colossians 1:11
“Lord God, thank you that you are patient with us. Holy Spirit, as we stay connected with you, would you grow the fruit of patience, persistence and perseverance in our lives.” This week, Rich Cave leads us in a reflection on the spiritual fruit of patience.
Kindness — Ness Wilson
Colossians 3:12
Colossians 3:12
Grow in your capacity to love Jesus and love others. Ness Wilson explains how the spiritual fruit of kindness is a powerful way to advance God’s kingdom and that it is not the same as just ‘being nice’.
Goodness — Joe McSharry
Ephesians 2:10
Ephesians 2:10
As we move into a November lockdown Joe McSharry unpacks how a life in service to others allows God to outwork His goodness in us and through us.
Faithfulness — Anita Williams
Luke 23:46
Luke 23:46
Even in the hard times, just like Jesus and King David, we too can say ‘into your hands I commit my spirit’, trusting our lives in the hands of our heavenly Father. If we stay close to God’s word, cultivate an active and honest prayer life, are led by the Holy Spirit rather than our emotions, and ask God to show us the personal mandate he has for this season of our lives, we will begin to feed on God’s faithfulness. We will find ourselves choosing to remain faithful to God, to others, and to what God has called us to do in this season.
Gentleness — John Olaleye
Matthew 11:28-30
Matthew 11:28-30
Jesus demonstrated that gentleness is not weakness but rather courage to stare sin in the face and express outrageous acts of love. John Olaleye shares some very personal reflections on his journey with gentleness and takes a look at how Jesus lived it out in his daily encounters.
Self-Control — Roger Bretherton
2 Timothy 1:6-7
2 Timothy 1:6-7
Roger Bretherton shares 3 tips to resisting temptation and cultivating the spiritual fruit of self-control. He looks at our identity, our need for friendships, and that “making time to enjoy love in the right place is the antidote to seeking love in the wrong place.” Roger uses 2 Timothy 1:6-7 as a significant starting point for cultivating self-control, as it speaks of power, love and self-control that characterise the Spirit now alive in us.
Love — Rich Wilson
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
On Sunday Rich Wilson ended our series, ‘The Way To Wellbeing’, by looking at the spiritual fruit of love. By looking at the story of the bleeding woman in Mark's gospel, he explains that “the deepest wound to our wellbeing is that we struggle to love ourselves.” Despite everyone else giving up on her, she had not given up on herself. Much like the woman, we too can reach out to touch God's love and receive it in full.
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