Life in Christ
In the Book of Romans the author, the apostle Paul, paints a stunning picture of what life with Christ looks like. We learn what we were like without Christ and who we are when we trust in Christ. In this series we will look at challenging our cultural norms around how we use our bodies, how we relate to the government and to others, and how we treat our time.
God Is Kind — Ness Wilson
Romans 2-3
Romans 2-3
The creator God loves what is right and brings righteous judgement and justice. How is it then that we can be called saints, rather than sinners? Because of Jesus, God the Father adopts us as his own. This is the wonderful Gospel that is found in the Book of Romans.
Trusting God — Rich Wilson
Romans 4
Romans 4
How do we take God at his word? How do we believe God is who he says he is? How do we hold on through all of life ups and downs? Romans 4 addresses these foundational truths for living our Christian life.
The Life-Giving Gift — Joe McSharry
Romans 5
Romans 5
Joe McSharry, in his talk on Romans 5, challenges students by asking, ‘it is not a question of whether your faith will survive university. Will university survive your faith?’ Joe practically suggests how students can be the difference in the culture they live in, as he unpacks the Apostle Paul’s teaching on living out our faith in Jesus.
What Is Freedom? — Helen Morris
Romans 6
Romans 6
In her talk on Romans 6, Helen explains how our perception of God will greatly affect how much we trust him to lead our lives. However, if we do trust him to lead us, we will follow a path that leads to eternal life rather than one that results in death. But it is impossible to leave our old way of life unless we stop serving our old master, sin, and start serving God.
Place Your Life Before God — Rich Cave
Romans 12
Romans 12
Rich Cave unpacks Romans 12 to help us in understanding a right view of our physical bodies, as well as how to use our bodies for true worship. He goes on to talk about Jesus being in the business of transforming the ways we think, and lands his talk looking at the key ingredients of grace and fire to living a life for Jesus.
To Be A Responsible Citizen — Jez Gowers-Cromie
Romans 13
Romans 13
Jez Gowers-Cromie takes a practical look at Romans 13, drawing out how Paul suggests we need to relate to the government, to others and to time.
Cultivating Good Relationships — Pete Sisson
Romans 14-15
Romans 14-15
Pete opens up Romans 14-15 to look at how Jesus is interested in our attitudes to one another within the church. Do we accept one another, honour each other and work together to see more of God’s kingdom come?
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