Our Partners

Loughborough Churches Partnership

There is one Church of Loughborough, with multiple expressions, centred on Christ to transform our community. There is a high level of unity and partnership across Loughborough and as a church we are highly committed to Loughborough Churches Partnership. The Church leaders in the town work closely together, supporting one another, resourcing one another and praying for one another.

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Evangelical Alliance

Open Heaven Church is a member of the Evangelical Alliance. The Evangelical Alliance is made up of hundreds of organisations, thousands of churches and tens of thousands of individuals, joined together for the sake of the gospel. Representing their members since 1846, the Evangelical Alliance is the oldest and largest evangelical unity movement in the UK. United in mission and voice, they exist to serve and strengthen the work of the church in communities and throughout society.

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The St. Peter’s Centre

The St. Peter's Centre is a 100-year-old building that has been renovated and brought back to life, in order to have a building fit for purpose with activities and events that serve the community of Loughborough the whole week through. St. Peter's was built in 1911 and was once a hub of community activity. In recent years it was made redundant as a parish church and lay unused for a number of years. However, as a result of many prayers and a great partnership between Elim Church and Open Heaven Church, enough money was raised for a massive refurbishment project and the building reopened in 2013.

Wildfires Festival

Wildfires is a festival at the Wiston Estate, West Sussex, UK. It was launched in 2018 as a joint adventure between 24-7 Prayer, Worship Central, Pioneer, Fusion, Big Church Day Out, Tearfund and many other churches. Over the festival, thousands of all ages gather from different church expressions and communities, hungry to see revival in our time; gathering around Camp Fires that deepen friendships and community; pursuing together Holy Fire through worship, prayer and teaching; and encountering the Wild Fire of the Holy Spirit to take back to our homes, communities and our nations.

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Fusion Movement

The Fusion Movement helps students find hope in Jesus and home in the local church. We actively support Fusion, a charity that helps students to find hope in Jesus and home in the local church. Fusion exists to serve students and local churches as they crack on with their mission to their campuses and universities. Like us, they believe the local church should be at the heart of student mission, and the prayer is to see a generation of students respond to Jesus.

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The Baca Charity

Baca supports young forced migrants who arrive as unaccompanied asylum seekers including those that have been trafficked, to rebuild their lives, integrate into a community and use their experience positively. They achieve this by providing a safe and empowering environment and through the use of a holistic and personalised approach. The issues surrounding forced migration are the heartbeat of Baca, a Registered Charity operating in Loughborough since their foundation in 2006.

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© Open Heaven Church 2025 — Open Heaven Church is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales no. 7244128 and a registered charity no. 1138763.