On Earth as in Heaven:
The Lord’s Prayer

In this series we'll unpack the prayer Jesus taught his disciples. We'll see what it means for us to partner with God as kingdom builders, to talk with our Father in heaven from a place of deep intimacy, and to seek Him in order to meet our daily needs as a community.

On Earth As In Heaven — Stacey and Joe Mcsharry
Matthew 6:10
Already knowing what we do of heaven and of our calling to co-labour with God to establish heaven on earth, what does this actually mean for our day-to-day life? What role does prayer and other spiritual disciplines play in making that vision happen to see heaven established on earth? Stacey and Joe McSharry explore these questions as well as set a long-term vision for those who are in their 20-30's to work together towards individual dreams and visions to see God’s kingdom established.

Our Father In Heaven Hallowed Be Your Name (Pt.1) — Sam Bullen
Matthew 6:9
This phrase is more than an introduction. If understood properly, these words of deep intimacy call us to worship. Sam Bullen looks at this phrase through the eyes of its original hearers as he explains what it means for us to address God as ‘Abba’ and to pray that His name is ‘Hallowed’.

Our Father In Heaven Hallowed Be Your Name (Pt.2) — Luc Sadler
Matthew 6:9
Through testimonies and bible passages focusing on God as ‘Our Father’, Luc Sadler looks at what is means for us to pray radically. He explains that radical prayers are not necessarily big prayers, but rather come from the heart. Prayers that are about your dreams, oppression you see, and salvation for friends. What is radical is to put yourself in the place and position of ‘I can’t do this in my own strength, but I trust you Father’.

Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done (Pt.1) — David John Scarborough
Matthew 6:10
How are we each to be kingdom builders today? David Scarborough helps us understand what we are praying for when we say, “Your kingdom come, your will be done”. He takes a look at the prophet Isaiah as well as some testimonies in order to unpack what the kingdom of heaven looks like and how we can be involved as a community today.

Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done (Pt.2) — David John ScarboroughMatthew 6:10
We want to walk in everything we are called to be, but are we also willing to give it all up and die to ourselves? David Scarborough looks at the balance between serving and calling, mission and commission, sacrifice and fulfilment. He asks, ‘what happens when our wills match up with those of God’s, and what happens when they don’t?’

Daily Bread — Rachel Radbourne
Matthew 6:11
Rachel Radbourne focuses on the three key words of ‘give’, ‘us’ and ‘daily’. She starts by looking at God as provider and the dangers of not needing to rely on Him. She goes on to talk about the need for our prayers to be generous, including our Christian family and the rest of humanity in our requests to God. Lastly, she lands on the importance of us coming to God daily with the immediate desires and needs of ourselves and of others.

Forgiveness and Temptation — Shani-Maia Boxill-Anderson and Hayley Bailey
Matthew 6:11
Shani shares how difficult forgiveness can be, but equally how freeing. We know a God who has been hurt by humanity more than we’ll ever be, and so we can seek His help to create a culture where we can love others without motives or conditions. Hayley Bailey then looks at the armour of God, as well as talking from personal experience, to offer some helpful tips for overcoming temptation and protecting ourselves from the evil one.

The Kingdom, The Power, and The Glory — Nathaniel Alsop
Matthew 6:13
Although earlier manuscripts suggest this line wasn’t included in the original prayer taught by Jesus, it was the tradition of Jews to end their prayers with a line of glory to God. As we end our prayers with this line, we declare that God has won the victory over all sin and death, and that truly all authority, all power and all praise belong firmly to Him forever. To end a prayer in this way has serious implications on our lives and on how we pray.

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