I Am Sent:
Being An Apostolic Community
Throughout this series we look at what it means for us to be ‘sent ones’, as individuals and as a community which is set apart with a God defined purpose. We explore how this plays out in our relationships with others through mission, community and discipleship. We are commissioned and sent, propelled and encouraged through our experience and understanding of His presence, His equipping, and the power of the cross.
I Am Sent — Ness Wilson
Apostles are 'sent ones'. Would we live differently if we believed that we were sent to a people or place for purpose? At the start of a new series, Ness Wilson unpacks what is means for us to play our part in as an apostolic resource community.
Presence — Melanie Cave
Acts 9
Acts 9
Leave behind stress and live empowered by God’s presence. This week Melanie Cave explores what is available to us if we seek encounter with God’s presence.
Community — Joe McSharry
Ephesians 4
Ephesians 4
What does it look like for us individuals to play our part as we are connected into an apostolic resource community? Joe McSharry unpacks Ephesians 4 to suggest how unity and maturity are vital.
Mission — Stacey McSharry
Genesis 1:26-28, Matthew 28:16-20
Genesis 1:26-28, Matthew 28:16-20
Mission is the lifeblood of the church, and the church has been given two great missions. Stacey Mcsharry starts with Genesis 1:26 where God said, “Let us make mankind in our image,in our likeness, so that they may rule”, and ends with The Great Commission Jesus gave to “go and make disciples of all nations”. In this talk Stacey explains these missions that we have a part to play in.
I Am A Sent One — Ness Wilson
An interview hosted by Ness Wilson, where she talks with several members of the Open Heaven community who are currently living out their calling and serving church community with a strong believe that they are ‘sent ones’.
Spiritual Mothers And Fathers — Rich Cave
1 Corithians 4:14-16
1 Corithians 4:14-16
We are all called to spiritual parenthood. In this talk, Rich Cave takes a look at the spiritual parenthood of the Apostle Paul and of Moses, and the important role that spiritual mothers and fathers have in passing on God’s DNA – what God stands for and what He loves.
Called To Be Equipped — Billy Kennedy
Matthew 11
Matthew 11
If our church lives are as heavy and stressful as other areas of our lives then we must be doing something wrong. Today, Billy Kennedy, looks at Matthew 11 where Jesus says ‘come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest’ and gives five key to how Jesus is wanting to equip us.
The Cross Stands Above It All — Joe McSharry
John 10:10
John 10:10
To say the cross stands above it all means that our hope is not base on circumstances and feelings, but that our hope is secure. Jesus died so we can play our part in His life, His resurrection and His story. In this talk, as part of the ‘I Am Sent’ series, Joe McSharry gives a powerful reminder of why the death of Jesus on the cross paves the way for all of us to have fullness of life.
Unity — Ness Wilson
Ephesians 4:11-13
Ephesians 4:11-13
Ness ends this series, reflecting on the mandate upon Open Heaven Church, and other apostolic resource communities, to be a catalyst for unity, a bridge builder across the body of Christ.
© Open Heaven Church 2025 — Open Heaven Church is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales no. 7244128 and a registered charity no. 1138763.