The Gospel of Mark:
Living the Way of Jesus
in the World

The Gospel of Mark invites you to immerse yourself in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus and to consider his life-changing announcement that the kingdom of God has come. Hope-filled and healing, disruptive and demanding, love-growing and fear-beating, this is the way of King Jesus we’re called to live, Monday through Sunday. 

The Gospel of Mark — Rich Cave
Mark 1:1
The Gospel of Mark invites you to immerse yourself in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, and to consider his life-changing announcement that the kingdom of God has come. Hope-filled and healing, disruptive and demanding, love-growing and fear-beating, this is the way of King Jesus we’re called to live, Monday through Sunday.

Announcing Revolution — Anita Williams
Mark 1:1-15
The British theologian David Wenham proposed "The revolution is here!" as a contemporary equivalent for Jesus' announcement of the "Kingdom of God". Not conforming to expectations, Jesus was as disruptive as He was dramatic. Through Jesus, God was indeed doing a new thing. This was news, and it was very good.

Demonstrating Authority — Nathaniel Alsop
Mark 4:35-41
Whose authority do you trust? Has that trust come from words, actions or both? Do you feel empowered by those in power around you? In subduing the sea and wind, Jesus demonstrated His power to the disciples and revealed Himself as God's saving and sovereign presence amongst them. The forces of nature submit to Him, just as they did to the God of Israel when the Israelites crossed the Red Sea in the exodus from Egypt.

Revealing Identity — Chris Xavier
Mark 8:27-38
What assumptions do you make about others? Do you know if they are a true reflection of that person? Identity matters. Our sense of identity profoundly impacts our capacity to flourish. The Bible starts from a different place in tackling who we indeed are by asking: who is God? Answering this question unlocks our complete identity and humanity: who we are concerning God Himself.

Challenging Allegiance — Rachael Dwight
Mark 10:17-31
Do you feel in charge of your life? Who or what do you follow? How do you protect yourself against unhelpful influences and idols? God rules all things through King Jesus. In our society, inclined to be suspicious of power, this goes entirely against the grain. How often we’ve seen power misused and abused; voices silenced or sidelined. However, Jesus is a king like no other.

Transforming Power — John Houghton
Mark 14:32-52
Have you witnessed someone ‘strong’ fall apart? Did it change your perspective on what it means to be strong? Jesus’ disciples never expected the cross. They could never have foreseen Jesus dying in such a way. And yet God was on the move. The mysterious strands of His saving plan revealed through the centuries were coming together in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

Inviting Trust — Rich Cave
Mark 16:1-8
Have you ever got your hopes up about something? How did you respond to experiencing an outcome you weren’t hoping for? The Gospel of Mark ends abruptly. Appearing suddenly, Jesus announces the joyful news that the kingdom is near. Christ is risen! And yet, the kingdom is still to come in all its fullness - when every knee bows before King Jesus. It’s both exhilarating and something of a puzzle.

© Open Heaven Church 2023 — Open Heaven Church is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales no. 7244128 and a registered charity no. 1138763.