God's Grace:
Our Values

Open Heaven has five values together spelling out the word grace. These are; growth, relevance, authenticity, community and empowerment. We will unpack these values to root us into the calling we feel God has given us as a church. We want to be a community characterised by the grace God has shown us.

Grace And Growth — Ness Wilson
Romans 3:23-24
How does God’s grace impact my life? How do I grow in my faith? At Open Heaven we have five values and the starting letter of each value spells the word grace. Our first value is growth. We are growing in Christ-like character, generosity and gifting because that enables God to use us to our fullest potential. We are growing in numbers because numbers mean people, and people matter to God. We are growing leaders to influence every sphere of society. We are growing and sending out Church planting teams because Church planting remains the most effective way to make disciples who make disciples.

Grace And Relevance — Rich Cave
1 Corinthians 9:20-23
How does my faith relate to the rest of my life? How is my faith relevant to those around me? At Open Heaven we have five values and the starting letter of each value spells the word grace. Our second value is relevance. We are committed to creating expressions of church which are always outward looking and relevant to the people we’re seeking to reach. We want our faith to be connected to the rest of our lives. Jesus connected with people who did not regard themselves as religious and we want to do the same. Everyone is welcome and all are invited.

Grace And Authenticity — Phil Lyon
Ephesian 5:8
Am I loved for who I am? Can God handle my thoughts and feelings? At Open Heaven we have five values and the starting letter of each value spells the word grace. Our third value is authenticity. Open Heaven is a place where you can be who you really are before God and before others. You will notice that people are really honest with each other about their lives, knowing they are always totally accepted but also knowing that there is help here to become the person they really want to be. We will love you as you are and will inspire you to become more.

Grace And Community — Sam Bullen
Acts 4:32
What does the Bible teach us about community? How do we do community today? At Open Heaven we have five values and the starting letter of each value spells the word grace. Our fourth value is community. Church is a community of people. We are a community committed to sharing our lives with one another. This is no mere mantra, for some of us this commitment has led to sharing our homes and possessions. We are committed to doing life together because we are challenged and encouraged by those we choose to journey with.

Grace And Empowerment — Anita Williams
1 Corinthians 12:12
What are spiritual gifts? What’s my contribution to the Kingdom? At Open Heaven we have five values and the starting letter of each value spells the word grace. Our final value is empowerment. We believe that everyone in the church is gifted by God in different ways and we are committed to spotting and drawing out the gold in each person. Every person carries the good news of Jesus with them into their places of work and leisure, their households and neighbourhoods. Every person is equipped by the Holy Spirit with gifts to enable them to make their unique contribution to the Kingdom of God.

© Open Heaven Church 2023 — Open Heaven Church is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales no. 7244128 and a registered charity no. 1138763.