Everyday Mission

Imagine the difference we could make in the world. Imagine if we looked around at the people we spend our days with and asked God: how do you want me to be good news to the people here today? Our new teaching series ‘Frontline’ looks to affirm, celebrate, and inspire our community for everyday mission, wherever we find ourselves.

All The Difference In The World — Benj Street
1 Peter 1:1-2
What difference does my life make? How do I live out my faith everyday of the week? We are the church in mission – gathered and scattered – and we make all the difference in the world. The church is a body of people living a rhythm of gathering and scattering; usually gathering on Sunday and scattering for the rest of the week. Despite being a minority, Christians make all the difference in the world for Christ – wherever they are, whatever they do, whoever they are – Monday through Saturday. And to grow as disciples for these frontlines, we need one another; we need to be together as a worshipping community.

Wherever We Are — Andrew Marshall
Genesis 28:10-19
How do we stay alert to the opportunities around us? How can we learn to bless others in our day-to-day lives? Everyone has a frontline – a place where we do life or work and where we encounter people who don’t know Jesus. We don’t need to go looking for these, we are already there. We just need to see these places with fresh eyes. God is present in our everyday places and these can be places where God is at work with us. Even the unexpected places can become places of encounter and transformation.

Whoever We Are — Louise Jarvis
Matthew 6:5-14
What is the impact of our identity? How does who we are relate to what we do?Whoever we are – however insignificant we feel – we make all the difference in the world because we are on our frontlines, first as a son or daughter of the King; a child of God. Our value, our worth, our significance, and our life on the frontline flows from this identity. This is liberating.

Together We Grow — Rich Cave
Hebrews 10:19-25
What is the importance of community? How should we journey well with others?If we are going to be fruitful when we are scattered on our frontlines for the long haul then we need to be faithful in gathering together. To continue to have an impact we need to stay strong and encouraged: we need one another. We, as red dots, need to stay red in a sea of grey dots. Our scattered and gathered lives are irrevocably connected.

© Open Heaven Church 2023 — Open Heaven Church is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales no. 7244128 and a registered charity no. 1138763.